About Me

Tran Quoc De - Student of K66 HUST

High school:

  • Thai Binh gifted high school (Vietnam)
  • Second prize, Third prize of Vietnam Mathematical Olympiad.
  • Odon vallet scholarship 2019


  • Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Vietnam)
  • Artificial Intelligence Major
  • CPA: 3.67

Interests :

  • This blog is the place I learn to write sth I want to share.

  • I was a math boy :v, so I have interest in Math especially discrete math and graph theory, olympiad combinatorics, number theory, …

  • I enjoy all topics related to AI and Machine learning/Deep learning. Currently, I delve into meta-learning and deep generative model.

P/S: English is not my mother tongue, so sorry about any grammar mistakes :v